Exploring Tuen Mun with China Travel Service: A Guide to the District’s Best Attractions

Tuen Mun, a district located in the New Territories of Hong Kong, is a popular destination for Chinese tourists, and for good reason. The district is known for its beautiful countryside, rich history, and unique culture, making it an ideal place to experience the best of Hong Kong. And with the help of China Travel Service’s Tuen Mun branch, visitors can make the most of their time in the district.

China Travel Service, one of the largest state-owned travel agencies in China, has a branch in Tuen Mun that offers a wide range of travel services to Chinese tourists. The agency’s tour packages are designed to take visitors to some of the district’s most popular and lesser-known destinations, and they are staffed by a team of experienced professionals who are dedicated to providing high-quality travel services to Chinese tourists.

One of the highlights of a tour with China Travel Service Tuen Mun is the opportunity to explore the district’s natural beauty. Tuen Mun is home to a number of scenic hiking trails, such as the Tuen Mun Country Park, which offers stunning views of the surrounding countryside and is a great place to escape the hustle and bustle of the city. Additionally, the district is home to a number of beautiful beaches, such as the Castle Peak Beach, where visitors can enjoy swimming, sunbathing and other outdoor activities.

Another popular attraction in Tuen Mun is the Tuen Mun Town Plaza, which is a shopping mall that is popular with locals and tourists alike. It is home to a wide range of shops, from clothing stores to electronic shops, and it’s a great place for visitors to experience the local culture.

China Travel Service Tuen Mun also offers a range of accommodation options to suit every budget, from budget-friendly guesthouses to luxury hotels. They also provide visa assistance and can help with flight and hotel bookings.

In summary, Tuen Mun is a district that should not be missed when visiting Hong Kong and China Travel Service Tuen Mun is the best way to make the most of your visit. With their extensive knowledge of the area and the services they offer, they can help visitors to discover the best of Tuen Mun and create an unforgettable experience.

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